Zeus is a multinational Gaming Community based in Europe. Most of our regulars are from the British Isles or Continental Europe, but we do have members from all over the globe including the U.S.A, so do not let this deter you joining up. We do not require any formal membership to participate in any of the Zeus activities or events, and no dues or fees will ever be required, except if you're really loaded with cash, then we don't mind a donation or two.

Scroll down or use the menu (top left) for more info

ZEUS Servers

ARMA 3 servers

We currently operate 2 main game servers, special events servers as well as our testing servers upon which our community members test and develop new missions and sims for our custom game nights. To locate our servers, simply filter for "Zeus Community" in your multiplayer game browser.

Teamspeak 3 server

Server address: teamspeak.zeus-community.net Port 9988


The Zeus Gaming Community is a non-profit organisation that relies on the generosity of its members to help keep it flying. For more info, or to make a donation, click the button below.

ZEUS Military Simulations

Our servers are usually up and running 24/7 with a variety of missions available. At present, we run our customised versions of Patrol Ops but we also run custom sims at least four times per week.

You can take part in these custom nights without any required addons on Thursdays and Sundays (usually starting around 6.30pm GMT).

For those interested in a more customised experience, we also run addon nights on Wednesday and Saturday evenings (usually around 6.00pm GMT). These custom missions utilise the latest map packs, custom weapons, vehicles, game features and much much more.

Supported Addons

No.1 Server: (No Addons required)

There are no addon requirements for playing on this server but we do support and recommend our @ZClient Clientside addon pack to enhance your play.

No.2 Server: (Addons required)

In order to play on this server you will need to download and install a specific set of addons

To make this easier for you we recommend using ArmA3Sync, which is an addon management tool. This will take the hassle out of keeping your addons up to date. You can of course manage your own addons but we will not be able to support you in the event of an issue when trying to join our addon server.

Help and Support

If you need any help and support using our game servers, team speak server or need assistance with any community related matters, you should initially check out our Central Info Repository. This is a series of Google docs that are filled with tutorials and answer commonly asked questions. If these docs fail to give you the help you require, then please feel free to pop onto our teamspeak server and ask any admin who are always happy to assist.

Server Admins

This group is primarily responsible for administering gaming sessions and dealing with any issues arising in the session and with the server. Ability to upload tested missions directly to the production server, power up, close down and restart servers as well as deal with nuisance players permanently.

  • Wombat
  • OneNanArmy
  • EagleEye
  • M.Mathers
  • Kyoptic
  • Lucius
  • Rory
  • Turok

Server Technicians

The unsung heroes who do their best to ensure the servers, updates, file repo and other back end magics run smoothly.

  • Ben
  • Striker
  • Terox

Special Mentions

  • StealthySnowman (RETIRED VIP)
  • 2600K (Prolific mission developer)

StealthySnowman was our senior admin during many years of Arma3. His effort, fairness and all round ability to be just a fantastic asset to this community and the well deserved respect he receives from the community place him as our No.1 VIP.

2600k (26K) is our most proflific mission developer). 90% of the missions on our servers are either his or made from his template. Kudos to this guy and many thanks from the community for his continued efforts

Joining ZEUS

ZEUS is an open community, meaning anyone is able to join. If you have played on the server and taken part in one of our organised sims, normal custom game nights, or addon game nights and you enjoyed the experience then get yourself onto TeamSpeak (if you haven't already) and become an active member.

For more information about the community, joining up, taking part in events and mil sims, finding out about support addons and required addons for our twice-weekly "addon night" events please visit our * Central Information Repository *.


Zeus spawned from the fires of "Stoners House of Pancakes" based in Dallas Texas, which was arguably one of the best Operation Flashpoint servers to have ever been. The European contingent of that community pooled their resources and Zeus was officially opened for business on Sunday 6th April 2003.

Among its original members were Shrike, Torment, Killswitch, Terox, Pimmelorus & Sven, to name but a few. Zeus quickly grew into a popular community, spreading its wings to encompass both PVP and Coop, eventually setting up servers to cater for both styles of game play. We even ran a competition clan called "Zeus Spartans" which took an active part in the European Combat League

During this period we switched from BIS vanilla to OFP Modifications, most popular being FDF (Finnish Defence forces) & WGL (War games league) .We also dabbled quite deeply into mod making ourselves, the initial project was called Zeus mod which was way to big in scope and failed, eventually being replaced by WGL-Z, which was our tweaked version of WGL. WGL-Z was merged into a later build of WGL. We even attempted a mod for ?ArmA called ESP, however this was abandoned when ACE Mod was released.

Among our community we have talented Coders, Mission Makers, Modellers and texture artists and one of the cornerstones of Zeus is productivity. We encourage our members to create and assist in creating anything Arma-related, be it missions, addons or even entire mods.